SUMMER Last Minute - 4 nights for the price of 3 - free tourist passes
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  3. SUMMER Last Minute - 4 nights for the price of 3 - free tourist passes

SUMMER Last Minute - 4 nights for the price of 3 - free tourist passes

Między 2024-07-18 a 2024-09-01

  • 4 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
Fairy-tale place - Szczyrk - 300 m from the Gondola Lift (pass included!) - Lots of cycling and hiking trails - 4 nights for the price of 3!

Children up to 5 years old FREE, Gondola and Zbójnicka Kopa tourist tickets FREE


* for a minimum of 10 people using the services, meals are buffet style, below 10 people meals are served

** to use a free ticket it is necessary to register at and purchase a gopass card at the Reception for 10 PLN


  • CHILLOUT Zone (2 billiard tables, ping pong table, family games, library)
  • RELAXATION Zone (dry sauna, infrared, shower with a tub, relaxation room)
  • KID'S Zone (children's playroom, outdoor playground with sandbox)
  • Professional bike storage,
  • Self-service bike service with a bike wash,
  • Parking


  • Weekend bike training
  • 1-3 person bike training
  • Group bike training

info about training bike training


  • We are a great base for trips - close to bike and hiking trails
  • Location directly by a modern Gondola (200m)
  • We are ECO! - we segregate waste, love animals, care for the environment
  • Mountain bike trails Enduro Trails with varying levels of difficulty (departure to the start of trails does not require iron fitness, because each of them can be reached by modern cable car)
  • Numerous tourist trails encourage mountain hikes
  • Summits: Skrzyczne, Klimczok, Szyndzielnia, Barania Góra, Kotarz, Karkoszczonka, Grabowa, or Biały Krzyż entice with their charm and great views


  • Szczyrk, ul. Salmopolska 30,
  • Tel. 512 366 792


  • Hotel day from 15:00 to 11:00
  • Children up to 5 years old (with one or two adults in the room) sleeping in bed with parents with meals, according to the offer - FREE. A maximum of 2 children can stay in one room for free - please present a document confirming the child's age at the reception. Children accommodated for free are not entitled to additional bedding. It is possible to purchase additional bedding for a one-time fee of 30 PLN. (option: BEDDING FOR A CHILD UP TO 5 YEARS OLD)
  • The facility reserves the right to change the stay plan

From 165PLN /pers./night

Important information

Check in and check out

Check-in: 15:00 Check-out: 11:00

Animal policy

Pets are accepted. Additional charges may apply.

Cancellation terms

Automatic prepayments are required in accordance with the payment plan. We will send reminders for scheduled payments due to the e-mail address provided at the time of booking at least 2 days before payment will be taken. All payments made are non-refundable. In the event of a missed payment, the hotel has a right to cancel the reservation.

Payment options

Visa MasterCard Maestro Discover Diners

Other offers Experience the magic of the moment

ul. Salmopolska 30
43-370 Szczyrk, Polska

See on map
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